When faced with a drug charge, it is difficult to see beyond the penalties that you could face. This isn’t unreasonable, as some drug crimes carry harsh penalties. Because the consequences to your personal and professional life can be significant, it is important to explore your defense options.
Depending on the type of drug crime accused of and your criminal record, it may be possible to divert the traditional criminal law process. In Florida and other states across the nation, a drug court program may help you avoid serious penalties and help treat any underlying issues with drugs.
Adult drug court
In simple terms, diversion drug court programs seek to address substance use disorders for those facing prison-bound offences. As a result, these programs help reduce crime while also restoring the lives and families of participants.
Adult drug court programs available in Florida require a defendant to complete their program successfully to have their charges dismissed. And in the case of first-time offenders, their records could be sealed or expunged.
These programs are for those charged with a nonviolent drug involved felony. Additionally, a participant cannot currently be on probation or parole or have any other open cases.
Those accepted into this judicially supervised program will undergo treatment for substance abuse, participate in counseling and be subjected to random drug testing for a minimum of one year.
Key components of program
For this program, there are 10 key components. This includes the integration of alcohol and drug treatment services, provides a non-adversarial approach to the charges, a continuum of services, random drug testing to ensure abstinence, a strategic response for compliance, ongoing judicial interaction, continued monitoring and evaluation for program effectiveness, available interdisciplinary education as well as partnerships with stakeholders.
A diversion drug court program can offer defendants with the opportunity to have their charges dismissed while also restoring their lives. As such, it is important to consider this option when exploring your defense options after being charged with a drug crime.