A first-time DUI in Florida comes with many penalties, but the one you might be the most worried about is jail time. If you have never spent time in jail, the thought of spending any significant amount of time there can be overwhelming and scary, causing you major...
Fierce Advocacy.
Genuine Compassion.
Year: 2024
What if the drugs aren’t yours?
When you are involved in an encounter with the police, they may ask if they can search your property or vehicle. If you have nothing to hide, you can consent to the search. But what if the police find drugs during the search that do not belong to you? Although this...
8 signs that the prosecution’s case is weak and beatable
When you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, you have a lot to think about. Amongst the choices you’ll have to make is whether to enter into a plea deal or litigate your case in hopes of securing an acquittal. It’s a difficult decision to make, but there are...
How to exercise your right to remain silent
You probably know that you have a right to remain silent when you are arrested or detained by police. But exercising that right can be challenging. Staying silent when interacting with police officers is difficult and often goes against our natural instincts. You may...
What is the status of Florida’s concealed carry law?
Since July 2023, Florida has been what some people refer to as a “constitutional carry” state. According to sheriff’s department of a major city in this state, Florida law now allows eligible people to carry concealed firearms without a permit. The law did not change...
College students can face serious criminal charges
Some Floridians might believe that the most serious crimes which happen on college campuses involve alcohol or recreational drug use at parties. Indeed, recreational drug use and alcohol often contribute to campus crimes. However, statistics paint a picture of campus...
Is a diversion drug court program the right defense for you?
When faced with a drug charge, it is difficult to see beyond the penalties that you could face. This isn’t unreasonable, as some drug crimes carry harsh penalties. Because the consequences to your personal and professional life can be significant, it is important to...
Is entrapment a viable defense to drug charges?
If you have seen cases of entrapment presented in television shows or films, you may think it can be easily proven in court. And, you may believe that if the defendant can prove entrapment, they can easily beat the charges against them. In reality, arguing entrapment...
Murder charges following shooting outside West Palm nightclub
While owning a gun is a right afforded by the U.S. Constitution, possessing a gun means taking on serious responsibilities. You are responsible for every time you discharge your weapon. As such, this opens you up to possible criminal allegations, such as a murder...
Florida drinking and driving laws differ for those under 21
Drinking and driving is taken seriously in Florida. People who are arrested, charged and convicted will inevitably face a harsh series of penalties including a loss of driving privileges, fines and potential jail time. This is true regardless of the persons age....