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Crafting a defense to DUI charges

On Behalf of | May 3, 2022 | Drunk Driving Defense |

Some people may think of a DUI charge as a “minor” offense. Well, while it may be comparatively less severe of a charge than, say, assault, DUI is still a criminal charge that can come with some pretty serious consequences if a conviction is secured. Crafting a defense strategy to attempt to avoid DUI penalties should be an effort that is taken seriously.

People who are convicted of DUI in Florida face a range of penalties. For example, even so-called “first time” offenders may face stiff fines and a period of probation supervision. Some might even be required to attend substance abuse or alcohol treatment. Others might even face some amount of community service, or even jail time.

Obviously, these are all consequences that defendants would rather avoid. So, how might a defense strategy lessen or altogether avoid these consequences? Your path will be your own – unique to your case. Either you might get your case dismissed, get a “not guilty” verdict at trial or you might be able to negotiate with the prosecutor for a plea agreement that results in a less severe sentence upon conviction.

Finding your path

The facts of your case will ultimately determine how you can proceed with your defense strategy. Not all cases go to trial. In fact, a rather small percentage of case do. However, that might ultimately be the best option in your case. But for some, exploring other options is crucial. At our law firm, we work with our clients to help them assess the best possible options for their criminal cases. For more information, please visit the DUI criminal defense overview section of our law firm’s website.
